
Words of wisdom to help create health in yours and your families life 

5 ways Poor Posture can affect your health

5 ways Poor Posture can affect your health

Posture is not just about how you look; it plays a significant role in your overall health and well-being. Poor posture, whether from slouching at your desk or hunching over your phone, can have far-reaching consequences beyond just aches and pains. Understanding the...

Chiropractic for foot pain – Is it something we can help with?

Chiropractic for foot pain – Is it something we can help with?

When you think Chiropractic you usually think Chiropractic for back pain, neck pain or headaches. However, did you know Chiropractic for foot pain is something that we look at and see often at Innerbloom Chiropractic in Bayswater. Just like other joints in the body...

Chiropractic and hip pain – Is it something we can help with?

Chiropractic and hip pain – Is it something we can help with?

Chiropractic and hip pain isn't the typical association however, it is something we see a lot of in practice. Hip pain can significantly impact daily life, affecting mobility and overall well-being.  The hips are crucial for our daily movement as well as for the...

Our number one tool to help your posture!

Our number one tool to help your posture!

In the modern world of sedentary lifestyles and prolonged screen time, maintaining good posture has become more crucial than ever for our overall well-being. Most people we see here at Innerbloom Chiropractic have some form of postural dysfunction.  While getting...

Can Chiropractic care help with chronic headaches and migraines?

Can Chiropractic care help with chronic headaches and migraines?

If you have ever suffered from persistent headaches or migraines then you know just how debilitating they can be to your everyday life. They can impact your process to think clearly, make decisions and even be who you are.  The good news is that there are things you...

6 tips to stay healthy for the Christmas break

6 tips to stay healthy for the Christmas break

 As the holiday season approaches, our days are filled with festivities, family gatherings and fun as well as lots of activities that may unintentionally impact our well-being. Whether this be climbing ladders to put lights up, wrapping lots of gifts hunched over or...

Commonly asked questions about Chiropractic and pregnancy

Commonly asked questions about Chiropractic and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey marked by profound changes in a woman's body. As the body adapts to support the growing life within, many expectant mothers seek safe and effective ways to manage discomfort and promote overall well-being. Chiropractic care has...

Can a Chiropractor fix uneven shoulders?

Can a Chiropractor fix uneven shoulders?

Foot pain isn't the most typical thing you would see a Chiropractor for but it is something we see and can help with. Just like other joints in the body Chiropractors are trained to assess, diagnose, treat and/or refer for foot pain. >> Looking for a...

Chiropractic and posture: Is your posture affecting your health?

Chiropractic and posture: Is your posture affecting your health?

Whenever we think of bad posture we think of someone slouching over with their head forward and their shoulders rolled. We might also think of ‘sore neck, back or shoulders.’  While poor posture definitely puts excess pressure on the joints in our body which can cause...

3 Best Low Back Stretches

3 Best Low Back Stretches

For many, gardening is a therapeutic and rewarding activity. It's a way to connect with nature, cultivate beauty, and perhaps even harvest some homegrown fruits and veggies. But as any avid gardener knows, hours of bending, digging, and lifting can leave the back...

Why I don’t make traditional ‘New Year’s Resolutions’

Why I don’t make traditional ‘New Year’s Resolutions’

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023! It’s the year you finally get fit, quit your job, travel the world, and build your dream home. Or is it? The start of a New Year is exciting. It’s a time to shake off the lows of the previous year and look ahead to the new...

How Often Do You Need To See A Chiropractor

How Often Do You Need To See A Chiropractor

One of the most common questions Chiropractors get asked is how often do they need to come back to see us. But first, what is Chiropractic? Before we get into how often you should see a chiropractor, we need to understand what chiropractic is. Chiropractic care is...

Text Neck – A posture epidemic

Text Neck – A posture epidemic

Have a look around you right now. How many people are sitting on their phones with their heads down. What about you? Are you reading this on your phone or laptop and have your head and neck pointing down? As I write this a lady is sitting next to me with that exact...

What are the best things to do after a Chiropractic adjustment?

What are the best things to do after a Chiropractic adjustment?

Just like stretching after a workout or flossing after you brush your teeth there are certain things you should do after your chiropractic adjustment to maximize the benefits of that adjustment and help your body integrate it. Just like there are things to do after an...

Your Initial Chiropractic Appointment

Your Initial Chiropractic Appointment

Upon arrival we will ask you to complete our thorough intake form which includes questions in regards to why you are visiting us, your health history and lifestyle habits. This form allows us to gain a deep understanding of your current problem but also your overall...

Can Chiropractic Help With Low Back Pain?

Can Chiropractic Help With Low Back Pain?

Low Back pain is one of the most common causes of pain in Australia with around 70-90% of the population experiencing back pain at least once in their lifetime(1). It is common in people of all ages, shapes and sizes and is one of the main reasons people come to see...