Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023! It’s the year you finally get fit, quit your job, travel the world, and build your dream home. Or is it?
The start of a New Year is exciting. It’s a time to shake off the lows of the previous year and look ahead to the new possibilities. A time to plan, dream and make goals. A time sit down and reflect on what you want to change and what you want to achieve.
However, the traditional notion of making New Years Resolutions hasn’t sat right with me for a long time and I can’t even tell you the last time I made one. I just don’t understand the practicality or the sustainability of saying to yourself ‘this year I am going to be fitter’ or ‘this year I am going to save more money’. To me these broad goals feel unmotivating and uninspiring and honestly hard to stick to and track.

According to some studies nearly 80% of all New Years Resolutions fail.
While making resolutions aren’t my thing I do want to share with you my yearly New Years goal setting because I have done it for 5 years now and always get excited about it. Now while it might seem a bit farfetched and somewhat silly I implore you to give it a try for a year and see how you go with it. I can tell you now I have never once ticked off all of my goals but the pride of seeing what I did achieve far outweighs the disappointment of what I didn’t. I also find that looking back on my goals at the end of the year shows me how much I and my life has changed as some of those goals are no longer relevant to me or excite me.
Okay so what do I actually do?
Well its pretty simple but all I do is create a list of 100 things I want to do that year. Yes, you read that right 100!
Not all of these 100 things are big goals like Go to Queensland for a holiday or buy a new car. Most of them are simple everyday things like run 10km, plant a new fruit tree and visit a farm. Not all cost money and some are things I do by myself while others include my family.
I stick the list above my desk and every time I do something I highlight it to show its been completed.
At the end of each year, I count how many I have achieved and reflect on what I have done.

I find this method to be a great way to think about the year ahead and what I want to achieve in all facets of my life. I include health goals, business goals, family goals, personal goals – anything and everything in there! And ones I don’t complete the previous year but still want to do I add to the next years one.
The only thing that can be hard is coming up with 100! It really does get you thinking outside the square.
So, give it a go! It doesn’t matter it’s Mid-January there is still plenty of time to tick 100 things off your list.
Yours In Health
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