Chiropractic Treatment for the Whole Family
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic is a natural and well utilised approach to health care that focuses on optimising the function of your spine to promote overall health and wellbeing. At its core is the relationship between your spine and your nervous system and allowing these to work at a highly functional level.
Your nervous system is the most important system within your body. It consists of the brain, spinal cord and all our nerves and its sole job is to control and coordinate all of our body’s functions. This includes all of our conscious functions such as movement, thoughts and actions as well as our unconscious functions such as breathing, digestion and our heart beat. Our spine, pelvis and skull act as our nervous systems armour and are thus intricately linked with our nervous system. Due to the close relationship between the two systems dysfunctions of one can more than likely lead to dysfunction of the other.
Chiropractors focus on the detection, correction and prevention of restricted spinal and peripheral joints and their impact on the nervous system. We call these restrictions ‘subluxations’ and it is these that we see impact the functionality of the nervous system. As Chiropractors we correct these subluxations through the use of a chiropractic adjustment which helps to allow the joint to move properly again. Chiropractic treatment can also consist of soft tissue therapy, low force techniques such as blocking and activator and the prescription of rehab and lifestyle advice.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment
There have been numerous studies that have demonstrated that chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, and many other types of musculoskeletal problems.
Recently we are starting to see more and more research into it being effective managing a wide range of health concerns in both the paediatric, pregnant and aged populations. While this research is only in its infancy and many scientific people will tell you the science is not yet settled you only need to talk to people who have seen Chiropractors to realise the power and benefit Chiropractic care can have on all ages.
Common Conditions Chiropractors Can Help with
- Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Headaches
- Sciatica
- Scoliosis
- Hip, Knee and Ankle pain
- Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist pain
- Vertigo
- Jaw pain
Chiropractic care is a low risk modality of health around the world. In Australia there are more than 12 million visits to a Chiropractor each year and over 1 million of these are paediatric visits.
In the literaturering the last 20 years there have been few if any serious adverse events caused by Chiropractors. In 2014 a paper was released looking in to the adverse events in children post manual therapies. This paper showed that there was no serious adverse events following Chiropractic care in children.
Chiropractic is a higly regulated industry and we must comply with AHPRA guidelines which includes completeing a Chiropractic degree, maintaining insurance and yearly CPD (continuing professional development).

What is a Chiropractic Adjsutment?
A chiropractic adjustment firstly involves the detection of the subluxation. This is a delicate skill and one that is mastered from years of learning and practice. Once the subluxation is detected a quick thrust is applied to the joint in a specific direction to correct the position, movement or both. A chiropractic adjustment is often accompanied with an audible release of gas that can make a ‘pop’ ‘click’ or ‘crack’ sound. The sound may be a bit of a shock during your first couple of chiro adjustments but most people get used to it very quickly and find it an instant relief. Not all adjustments make a noise and the success of an adjustment does NOT depend on a noise being made. There are many reasons why an adjustment may not end with a sound and they are all ok!
The chiropractic adjustments aim is to restore the function of your spine and remove the interference to the nervous system.
Most people feel amazing after a full body chiropractic adjustment but occasionally you can feel a little bit of post treatment soreness or discomfort – sort of like you have just been to your first gym session in a while! More often then not it is after your first adjustment or if you have injured yourself somehow. Don’t worry though! Ill give you some handy tips to help you with this.
We provide Chiropractic care for people of all ages and are trained in a variety of techniques so that we are able to tailor the treatment to suit your needs.
We are accepting new patients so if you feel that Chiropractic Care could help you then we would be more than happy to help. Not entirely sure if Chiropractic is for you? We are happy to have a no-obligation phone call to discuss your issues and help you determine if Chiropractic is for you or your family.